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School is Back in Uganda

Teachers welcome students back to the classroom after 83 weeks.

After a world-record-breaking 83 weeks out of school due to the pandemic, Ugandan schools opened once again to students. During the various lockdowns, strict regulations, and mask mandates, our students received school baskets filled with curriculum to keep them learning. Teachers from the Village of Eden met with students in the community to help guide them through the learning materials.

Now, the sounds of talking and laughter fill the classrooms. Teachers and students eagerly engage in their lessons and exploration of subjects. Friends, many of whom haven't seen each other in months, play on the playground and enjoy lunch together. One of the most exciting parts of returning to school is that we can now use the new school building that was built during the pandemic!

We have more space, including an outdoor classroom, a computer lab, and a science lab. We are so grateful that our students challenge themselves through learning, and our new school building provides so many opportunities for advancing their education.

Above all, we desire to make disciples of Christ as we invest in our students' lives. Whether through weekly Bible study, teaching subjects from a Christian viewpoint, or simply loving on our students, we want to turn their hearts toward the Savior in all we do. Thank you for your prayers and support for our students, teachers, and staff at the Village of Eden Christian Primary School. It certainly takes a village to raise a child, and we are thankful that our "village" spans the globe and includes you!


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