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World Malaria Day 2019

World Malaria Day is April 25. This day is an international recognition of global efforts to control the devastating effects of malaria. Worldwide, there were 445,000 malaria-related deaths and 216 million cases of malaria in 2016 according to the World Health Organization. This spring, we are once again joining the fight against this deadly disease that impacts so many people in sub-Saharan Africa. At the Village of Eden, we have seen the devastation firsthand as our medical clinic has treated countless malaria patients. In our region, everyone knows someone whose life has been affected by malaria. This fight is personal for us as malaria claimed the life of our founder—Dr. Richard Kowalske—in 2010.

The good news is that we can take preventative measures against malaria. Mosquitos most often bite at night, making individuals most susceptible when sleeping. One practical way you can help is by donating a treated mosquito net for just $15. This summer, our mission teams, missionaries, and local staff will distribute hundreds of nets to children and families in our community. While we work together to reduce the risk of malaria, we also focus on providing quality medical care for those who have already contracted the disease. You can help support our Medical Clinic’s efforts by donating malaria testing and treatment kits at a cost of $10 each.

We believe we are demonstrating the love of Jesus in a practical way when we help protect our children and families against their greatest physical threat. Most importantly, preventing and treating malaria creates even more opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus, which is the heartbeat of our ministry.

What is malaria? Malaria is the life-threatening disease transmitted to people through a bite from an infected mosquito causing high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness.

Who can be affected? According to the World Health Organization, 100% of Uganda’s population is at risk of malaria, and young children and pregnant women are among the most vulnerable.

How serious is the problem? Uganda has one of the highest reported malaria transmission rates in the world. Studies by the Ministry of Health revealed that malaria is the leading cause of death in Uganda, accounting for over 27% of deaths.

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